I am looking for advice for September with a new format for our daily schedules for high school CS.
As part of my board's grade 9-12 return to school plan, students will be in one of 3 cohorts of a class. They will take two courses at a time over 10 weeks. Daily class time is greater than normal, whether in school or online.
- cohort A & cohort B alternate coming to school and working synchronously online
- cohort A & B also alternate which course (of their 2) that they attend when they are at school. A cohort only attends one course per day at school
- cohort C is online only
- when one cohort is in class, the other two are designated to be online doing synchronous learning.
- cohorts are all in the same class/section
- over a 4 week sample, a student in cohort A would have a day focused on their CS class for 5 days in class, and for 5 days online. The other 10 school days would be for another class. They are spaced out in what seems like a sporadic way
Looking for advice on program delivery from any angle. Course format, assessment, student communication, and related tools.
I am having a hard time visualizing anything other than treating it like an online course where some days some of the students happen to be in the same room as me.