One of the major uses of my classroom time is for lab work. This is both a requirement of the AP Computer Science curriculum, and also nominally a benefit, as it allows me to walk around and answer questions.
In practice, however, I have found that the students work on their tasks, and whether they are doing well or not, they don't ask questions, even when prompted individually with a "how's it going? Do you need any help?"
This eventually results in me going to sit down at my own station to do other work for about 10 minutes, and then making the rounds again.
This feels like an underutilization of myself as a resource. It's not as if I don't have students who struggle, and there are always students who fall behind and submit their labs late.
So, how can I better utilize the lab time? Are there techniques to get kids to ask questions when progress slows? Or is there something else that I should be doing altogether?