Operating on the key word, motivate, I do believe that Andrew T. had the best choice with Tower of Hanoi. Yes, it's an old one, and it does not lead to anything useful once it's done, (the code is not reusable for some other "real world" problem.) Yet it remains a classic for some reason. I'm going to speculate that the reason is that when presented properly it motivates the students to think about using recursion for other purposes. As to what the motivation is - simple: less work! AKA - unmitigated self-interest. Who doesn't like the idea of getting something done fast and easy, preferring instead to do it the long and hard way while getting the exact same results? That suggests that the motivation comes from the presentation, not from the example used.
With the Tower of Hanoi example, adding in the "legend" of the back story can help with interest, but it can also be a waste of classroom time. Using the legend, or not, is a judgment call for your class and your style. (I have encountered at least three versions of the legend, and I am partial to the version that mentions the walls of the temple crumbling into dust and the world vanishing.)
The key to the presentation is to begin with solving it using an iterative approach. Preferably even before you raise the idea of recursion, leaving the alternative as a way out of the maze later. In a comment, Eric Lippert states that it is easier to solve with an iterative algorithm using these steps and rules: "number the disks in order of size; never move a larger disk onto a smaller disk, never move an odd disk onto an odd disk or an even disk onto an even disk, and never move the same disk twice in a row." That sounds good, and you can present it, just as given, in the classroom. Before trying to code it, however, give it a try physically. Using that rule-set with 5 disks I get the following:
- Only disk available is 1, move 1 from A to B.
- Disks 1 and 2 are available, just moved 1 so only 2 is left. It cannot go on top of 1 (reverse sizes) so move 2 from A to C.
- Disks 1, 2, and 3 are now available. 2 just moved, and 3 cannot go on top of 1 (reverse sizes) or 2 (reverse sizes), so 1 must move. 1 cannot go on 3 (odd on odd), so move 1 from B to C.
- Disks 1 and 3 are available. Disk 1 just moved so we must move 3. It cannot go on 1 (reverse sizes) so move 3 from A to B.
- Disks 1, 3 and 4 are available. Disk 3 just moved, so only 1 and 4 can move. 4 cannot go anywhere (reverse sizes) so 1 moves. 1 cannot go on 3 (odd on odd), so move 1 from C to A.
- Disks 1, 2, and 3 are available. 1 just moved, 3 cannot go anywhere (reverse sizes) so 2 moves. 2 cannot go on 1 (reverse sizes), so move 2 from C to B.
- Disks 1 and 2 are available. 2 just moved, so 1 is next. 1 Can go on top of 2, OR to the empty post.
The given rules offer no guidance for the next move, and computers must have rules to follow.
There is another iterative approach, which does work for creating an algorithm. It has a setup rule, a movement rule and a cycle to repeat. The puzzle usually does not give the arrangement of the posts, only that there are three of them. It is commonly displayed, or presented, with the posts being in a straight line. It can, however, be presented as an arrangement of three posts in a triangular formation, like the image below. In either case, working this iterative approach needs to treat the set of posts as a wrap-around collection, being able to move between the posts infinitely in either direction. The triangular formation makes that easier to visualize than the linear formation.
If we consider the top-left as post "A" (the source post), the top-right as post "B" (the target post), and the bottom-center as post "C" (the working post), then the setup rule is:
For an odd number of disks, the smallest disk moves clockwise, and for an even number of disks the smallest disk moves counter-clockwise.
The movement rule is:
With the disks numbered from smallest, as zero, to largest, disks with an even parity always move the same direction as the smallest disk, and disks with an odd parity always move in the reverse direction.
Finally, the cycle for the moves is:
- Move the smallest disk.
2. Move the only other "legal" move.
Using that two-move cycle, following the movement rule, will solve the puzzle in the smallest possible set of moves. Performing that in class with a 6-disk set shouldn't take very long (about 90 seconds without commentary, 2 or 3 minutes with decision commentary). Especially true if you have previously labeled the disks with their numbers, and marked them in some fashion to show which way they move so that you don't get confused during the demonstration. (Overheads, projector, or animation on screen works as well, but physical objects may have an enhanced long-term effect.)
Now, you have the students primed to learn the power of recursion. The rules for the iterative solution are oh, so simple. Turning those rules into an actual no-fail algorithm, with decisions mapped out, is not so simple after all. As humans, we can see, instantly, where the smallest disk is, which disks are able to move, and almost instantly reject the illegal moves when there are two open disks at the same time. Setting all that human ability into formal codified logic that can be followed blindly and achieve the desired result turns out to be much more difficult than it sounds.
Having not dealt with Hanoi since the middle 1980s, I think I can consider myself as having an almost fresh perspective on the problem. Trying to codify the algorithm for the above rules took up quite a bit of my spare time. I cannot put an amount of clock time to it since it was a "between-times" progress when other issues weren't pressing. Still, it took me the better part of a day to be confident in my algorithm and put it into code. With that in mind, I'm not sure if you should task the students with converting the above rules into a formal algorithm or not. Perhaps you can walk the class through developing one or two of the decisions within the algorithm to give them a sense of the work involved.
The main objective of the presentation up to this point is to help them to see, or experience, how much effort goes into creating the solution using the coding skills they have. Then they are ready to see the power that recursion can give them when the situation is right. Re-address the Hanoi puzzle to show that is can be reduced to a collection of smaller sub-problems that are the same as the original problem, except for size. Any solution that works for the main problem also works for the smaller sub-problems, and any solution that works for the smaller sub-problems also works for the main problem. Use that recognition to design a recursive approach to the solution. Hopefully, the amount of time spent finding the (un-coded) recursive solution is nearly the same as was spent finding the (un-coded) iterative solution, showing that finding the basics for the solution is pretty much the same for either approach. Then the magic happens when the un-coded recursive solution is written into pseudo code, or live code in the chosen language. If you have a coded version of the iterative solution to present, and then they write, or are shown, the recursive solution, they will see that dozens of lines have been reduced to about a dozen (depending on the language used). Reduced lines, with simpler logic means less typing, less chance for bugs and errors, and less work for them.
Once they see the benefits of recursion, you can also deliver the caveats (with examples if you have them) which includes:
- The recursive solution may not be the shortest
- The recursive solution may not be the fastest
- A recursive solution may not exist for a given problem
- A recursive solution might take longer to create than an iterative vesrion
- Recursive solutions can create issues with the stack, and memory management
- Recursion is not, by itself, faster or slower, than iteration
- Recursion has to have the base case built in to the model, there is no outside decision maker
This is also a case where the recursive solution is faster, significantly, than the iterative solution. Running a series of time trials, with the output comment out and disk count set to 25 (33,554,431 moves), the iterative solution averaged 1m22.4s and the recursive solution averaged 0m28.4s.
Granted, my code is in Perl, and most of your classes are in Java, C++, or a functional language, so it would have to be converted for use in your languages. I took advantage of a few of the patterns inherent in the puzzle solution, and stated the "tricks" used in the comments. I did not, however, try for serious optimization or other forms of code cleaning. In spite of that, this is the final version of a tested, and timed, version of the Hanoi puzzle using an iterative approach:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.10.0;
my $disks = 20; # How many disks to use for the game.
sub move_tower_iterative { # (height of tower, souce post, destination post, spare post)
my ($height, @names) = @_; # Collect the parameters
my @posts = ([reverse (0 .. $height-1)], [], []); # The post, to track the state of the game
my $rotation = ($height % 2)? 1 : -1; # Direction the smallest disk moves
# 1 is source -> destination -> spare -> source ...
# -1 is source -> spare -> destination -> source ...
my ($disk, $from, $to) = (0) x 2; # Temporary data, pre-loaded for the first move
do {
# Figure out where the disk to be moved will go
$to = ($from + $rotation * (($posts[$from][-1] % 2)? -1 : 1) + 3) % 3;
# Take the disk off the top of one post
$disk = pop $posts[$from];
# Add it to the top of the other post
push $posts[$to], $disk;
# Say what we did
printf "\tMove disk from %s to %s\n", $names[$from], $names[$to];
# Find the next legal move
if ( 0 != $posts[$to][-1] ) { # Was the smallest disk NOT the last move? Then move it.
# It will be found where the just moved disk would move to, if it was to move again.
$from = ($to + $rotation * (($posts[$to][-1] % 2)? -1 : 1) + 3) % 3;
else { # Not moving the smallest disk means finding the one other legal move
while ( # Starting with the same post we just moved from check if ...
( -1 == $#{$posts[$from]} ) # The post is empty
|| ( # OR both
( -1 != $#{@posts[($from + $rotation * (($posts[$from][-1] % 2)? -1 : 1) + 3) % 3]} ) # The destination post is not empty
&& ($posts[$from][-1] > $posts[($from + $rotation * (($posts[$from][-1] % 2)? -1 : 1) + 3) % 3][-1]) # AND has a smaller disk
|| ( # OR both
( 0 == $posts[$from][-1]) # The post has the smallest disk
&& ($#{$posts[$from]} != $height-1) # AND the post is not full
) { # Keep looking for by cycling to the next post
$from = ++$from % 3;
} until ($#{$posts[1]} == $height-1); # Stop when the destination post is full
move_tower_iterative $disks, "Back-left", "Back-right", "Front" ; # Start moving.
To balance that out, and to show the difference, here is the recursive version, also tested and timed. In this case I've removed the comments, just as a visual enhancement of the difference between the two versions:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.10.0;
my $disks = 20;
sub move_tower_recursive {
my ($height, $source, $dest, $spare) = @_;
if ( 1 <= $height) {
move_tower_recursive($height-1, $source, $spare, $dest);
printf "\tMove disk from %s to %s\n", $source, $dest;
move_tower_recursive($height-1, $spare, $dest, $source);
move_tower_recursive $disks, "Left side", "Right side", "Center" ;