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AnoE's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
51 votes

Should CS students be doing their tests on paper?

17 votes

Why is computer science hard?

10 votes

Explaining why styling should not be done directly in HTML

9 votes

Should a cs teacher teach non-scientific methods?

9 votes

How to teach a person to enjoy programming?

7 votes

How do I teach "math equality" vs. "CS assignment" vs. "CS equality logic operator"?

6 votes

Is it better to lie to students or to be pedantic when teaching Intro CS?

5 votes

How to convey how much computing power has grown since the 1960s?

4 votes

What ethical practices do students (as potential software engineers) need to be trained in?

4 votes

I am a CS student, but I don't know how to code projects. How do I learn this?

3 votes

In general, How's a computer science subject taught in Best Universities of the World that are not MIT level?

3 votes

How can we teach good naming practice for students learning Java?

3 votes

What are the advantages/disadvantages of teaching how to implement Nodes, Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues before showing built-in implementations?

2 votes

Interesting Programming Exercises to Teach Inheritance?

2 votes

Introducing self containing objects (Node)

2 votes

How do I convince my students that visual programming is real programming?

2 votes

What is good age to start learning programming?

2 votes

How can I get through very long and very dry, but also very useful technical documents when learning a new tool?

1 vote

Is there a better way to validate student learning?

1 vote

What does a person with an undergraduate degree in CS still need to learn to be employable as a developer?