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7 votes

How to convince students that self learning is an important skill?

In a few days there is almost nothing you can do. Certainly you can't change their habits and attitudes about how to learn in just a few days. You can try, however, to change their behavior by making ...
Buffy's user avatar
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5 votes

How to convince students that self learning is an important skill?

I am posting this answer as a complement to @Buffy's answer, which suggests a deep restructuring of the course and you may not be willing, able or allowed to to do it. This answer is useful if you ...
igordsm's user avatar
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4 votes

What things aren't obvious about reading documentation? How can I explain to others how to do it?

I have a partial answer, perhaps, as to why it is so hard for novices to learn from documentation. But the answer isn't universal and doesn't apply to all products/languages. There are some companies (...
Buffy's user avatar
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4 votes

How useful is English (pseudocode and documentation) in aiding understanding?

Funny, I came here to look for advice on getting students to write pseudocode, because mine struggle so much to do it. So here is why I want them to do it. If I set the activity up properly, and they ...
Dave R's user avatar
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What things aren't obvious about reading documentation? How can I explain to others how to do it?

In some cases, I suspect the problem may be that the student doesn't really want to understand, they want to do (e.g. complete the lab exercise or coursework). Unfortunately these days there is an ...
Dikran Marsupial's user avatar
4 votes

What things aren't obvious about reading documentation? How can I explain to others how to do it?

I think that both of the posters so far (Fureesh and Buffy) have great insights. I would only add one more piece I've observed from my own students. It starts with the observation that most people ...
Ben I.'s user avatar
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3 votes

What are the basics of CS that I should know, before I start my journey into machine learning

The first two paragraphs of the Wikipedia article on Machine Learning will give you a good outline of the things you need to know. Algorithms and Data Structures are key from CS, but you also need ...
Buffy's user avatar
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3 votes

What things aren't obvious about reading documentation? How can I explain to others how to do it?

I don't believe there is anything special to reading documentation. As most things programming related, it's a bit of basic knowledge and a lot of experience. You obviously need a basic understanding ...
Max's user avatar
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3 votes

How useful is English (pseudocode and documentation) in aiding understanding?

I believe that the core issue you're dealing with is that programming is too enjoyable, which makes outlining a program/writing pseudocode not interesting. It is a tough sell because in the time that ...
guitarcat's user avatar
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2 votes

How useful is English (pseudocode and documentation) in aiding understanding?

Warning : I am not a teacher of any kind, just a developer and I will tell about by personal feelings/experience For me when I write in pseudocode I write in my native language (not English but I am ...
f222's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the basics of CS that I should know, before I start my journey into machine learning

It's hard to know what you really know from just your assertion that you've "learned to code and know the basics of Machine learning as well." Do you mean that you can write a script/notebook in ...
Matthew W.'s user avatar
2 votes

How to convince students that self learning is an important skill?

A small addition. You will have some students that are more independent than others. When they independently learn something generally useful, clearly highlight it in front the the entire class. Try ...
jhu's user avatar
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2 votes

What things aren't obvious about reading documentation? How can I explain to others how to do it?

Documentation is to (e.g.) a stack overflow answer as a dictionary is to a textbook of english. (Or, put another way - by the logic of this question, english language SE would/should have very few ...
auden's user avatar
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2 votes

What things aren't obvious about reading documentation? How can I explain to others how to do it?

Documentations are written in a very specific format that follows certain rules. When were those rules explained to a person who starts learning programming? People look for patterns in order to ...
Fureeish's user avatar
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2 votes

How to document the developed work using an agile methodology?

In SCRUM, during the end of each sprint, there is a Sprint Retrospective and Spring Review. Important artifacts from the two should be extracted into this report, as it reflects the "developed work". ...
Kaneki's user avatar
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1 vote

How to convince students that self learning is an important skill?

I integrate these tools right from the beginning in my introductory web development course. My students learn about these things: The HTML5 Validator CSS validator Browser development tools ...
ncmathsadist's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a textual alternatives to UML diagrams?

There are many. UML is only one organisations attempt at creating a collection. Some of UML is useful, some is in there because committee members had a product to sell, some is only sometimes useful. ...
ctrl-alt-delor's user avatar
1 vote

How to document the developed work using an agile methodology?

Agile doesn't mean "don't plan", so there should be plenty to talk about. Have your students developed user stories? Can they talk about these? For example, let's take this example user story: As ...
Aurora0001's user avatar
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