How can I design online tests and prevent cheating?
I don't think there are any published tools to generate programming assignments, though there are articles that describe such tools (such as this one from a CUNY, or this one from Croatia, so one ...
How can I design online tests and prevent cheating?
I agree with Ben I. and Buffy. I'm planning to cancel the remaining exams in the semester (assuming my university ends up moving to online instruction) and replace them with projects. Many studies ...
Is it OK to use "informal" systems such as TeamSpeak or Discord to support classes?
We've been using Discord as a central place for all class discussion, and Zoom only for live lessons (rare) and small group meetings, and unpublished YouTube links for most lectures. So far this has ...
HS Lessons On Modeling Virus Spread
I teach a Mathematical Modeling elective at the high school where Ben I. and I teach. I would love to do an in-depth object-based model using programming with my students, but generally speaking I don'...
What evaluation methods can be used that don't involve testing but are adaptable to online courses
As part of an algorithms module (first-year undergraduate level), I got students to choose a computational problem from a list of options I provided, write an algorithm to solve it, and write a 750-...
How can I design online tests and prevent cheating?
At my University, we had the chance to modify the syllabus, if needed, to remove or decrease the weight of "traditional" written tests.
While in most programming courses eliminating tests is not a ...
HS Lessons On Modeling Virus Spread
Here are two resources that might be appropriate, but neither is a spreadsheet model.
The first is a resource called Contagion that has just been created for the Greenfoot Java system (IDE plus ...
HS Lessons On Modeling Virus Spread
You probably could adapt A. K. Dewdney’s “Sharks and Fishes” programming challenge from his old Scientific American column (https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~carl/fishnsharks.html). Here’s another example of ...
Platform recommendation for an online competitive programming school
Google Classroom is a clean and feature light interface for managing the distribution and collection of course materials of a wide media variety. I teach about 100 students across five courses each ...
Platform recommendation for an online competitive programming school
My first instinct is that any LMS is overkill. LMSs manage classrooms, it's true, but they also are designed to help manage schools, and most of the administrative end (and most of the features ...
Is it OK to use "informal" systems such as TeamSpeak or Discord to support classes?
Like you and one of the other answerers (as of writing this), in a class I TA for, we use Zoom for lectures and Discord for something else--in our case, we use Discord for office hours (undergrad, ...
Is it OK to use "informal" systems such as TeamSpeak or Discord to support classes?
We use Zoom (school-mandated for classes), students organized Discord rooms for contact with the TAs (and I believe among themselves), I understand they also have Facebook and WhatsApp and probably ...
What evaluation methods can be used that don't involve testing but are adaptable to online courses
I agree with kaya3. You can assign open-ended projects where students apply techniques from the course. Or you can give them more structured projects, e.g., from this book by Havill (the website ...
Training students to give better feedback, when remote teaching
Since you are working remotely, I might direct them to a Google Form that asks followup questions. So, if they initially chose "Something doesn't work!" the form would follow up with a series of ...
Distributed Pair Programming in distance education
My suggestion would be to utilize seprate tools for elements of the process rather than try to find a packaged solution, or modify an existing tool which is 'not quite right' for the task.
Quick ...
How can I design online tests and prevent cheating?
This isn't really an answer and requires long term thinking, but perhaps this is an opportunity to start to rethink how we evaluate students. I'm not a big fan of testing. Especially high stakes ...
How can I design online tests and prevent cheating?
Maybe a better idea could be a quiz with automatically generated
questions, like a code snippet and the request to determine the output
for a given input, with different input values and variable ...
Tools for running classes remotely
A good beginning is to see what tooling is already in place at your institution. Rare are the schools which have zero online content. If it's already in use, you have an expert base to draw on.
Not ...
Training students to give better feedback, when remote teaching
The brutal truth is that most of us are quite weak when it comes to asking questions. Given the age-group with which you're working, I'm a little surprised. I thought youngsters a little less ego-...
Training students to give better feedback, when remote teaching
Even before the course starts give them a document that explains something of your concerns. The important point is that "I can't read your mind." You have to tell me about your problems. Give a few ...
Distributed Pair Programming in distance education
I've been experimenting with AWS Cloud9 with a view to remote pair-programming (at the professional level). Also, as a means of (vocational level) coaching of young professionals currently working-...
Distributed Pair Programming in distance education
Keep it simple and integrate into tools that your school is already using as much as possible.
For example, my university is using MS Teams (which may currently be free for everyone). To do pair ...
Community wiki
Distributed Pair Programming in distance education
In the past I've successfully used XPairtise for Eclipse. The Eclipse marketplace shows this and a couple of others: https://marketplace.eclipse.org/category/free-tagging/pair-programming
A separate ...
Tools for running classes remotely
Here is what I do in my one-to-one sessions. It can be adapted for group sessions.
Both me and the student login (ssh) to a central server (a raspberry pi). From ...
What evaluation methods can be used that don't involve testing but are adaptable to online courses
If your main concern is related to cheating in tests, there are some ways to somehow minimize it (not 100%, though).
I am in "forced" quarantine since March 4th, so, almost all the 2nd semester is ...
How can I design online tests and prevent cheating?
I rather agree with Buffy, put simply, my argument is that a more collaborative approach does bear more fruit. Especially if the goal is to show understanding of concepts and a how to put them into ...
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