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Questions tagged [machine-learning]

Questions related to teaching subjects in the field of Machine Learning. Use this tag to ask about various aspects of teaching a specific subfield of Machine Learning.

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1 answer

How long would it take an average theoretical computer scientist to learn Python to prepare for learning machine learning?

Take a computer scientist with some skills of imperative, functional, and declarative programming languages excluding Python and knowing almost nothing about machine learning (e.g., he/she did 0 to 1 ...
AlMa1r's user avatar
  • 109
1 vote
1 answer

Where to start while learning about AI Hardware

I have been learning a lot of low-level computer science concepts lately. I have heard google developing a TPU (Tensor Processing Unit) which is an "AI Accelerator". This sounds interesting ...
Yuv's user avatar
  • 57
2 votes
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ML Andrew Ng course as practical university course

I was tasked to help in the practical sessions of the Machine Learning course in my university, the plan was to give exactly the same materials as this course. We should be teaching the assignments of ...
subspring's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Trying out the concepts of machine learning during teaching from home

I came accross this handout of aiunplugged, specifically the topic of reinforcment learning (on page 12). I planned to do this boardgame, where students experience the concept of reinforcement ...
thehayro's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Using autograding (Github Classroom) - pitfalls and best practices?

I'm currently as a TA developing a series of programming assignments for a bachelor course on machine learning. Since we expect the number of students taking this course to grow in the future, we're ...
ObscureOwl's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Which topics should one cover in teaching a course titled “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning”?

If one has to teach a 15-week course titled "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" to the postgraduate students of Electronic Engineering, what topics should one teach? Assume the students ...
MM Khan's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the basics of CS that I should know, before I start my journey into machine learning

I am a non-cs graduate and would love to be a machine learning engineer. I have learned to code, and know the basics of Machine learning. Now I would like to know what "basics of CS" I should learn ...
Fasty's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Opening a machine learning course in high school

I'm a computer science teacher and our department is thinking about opening a data analysis and machine learning course for upperclassmen at my high school. What are some topics that could be covered ...
Jonathan Ma's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Deep Learning Teaching Resources

What would you recommend as the best resources for learning and teaching about Deep Learning? These could include tools (e.g. TensorFlow), tutorials, books (e.g. Deep Learning), MOOCs (e.g. Udacity's)...
ProfPlum's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

How does one create a balanced AI curriculum in light of the popularity of Deep Learning?

During the past decade, interest in machine learning has exploded, especially due to the many and growing successes of deep learning approaches using convolutional and other neural networks. To those ...
Andrew Sundstrom's user avatar