The situation of students in these countries is terrible. In paper, every information for CS is available in paper. And it's correct for 70% of content. Mainly the content available that is of high quality for free are "textbooks". That too thanks to those great sites that I can't name here. Nobody from these countries even in their dreams would be able to afford even a single textbook for 1 subject if they had to pay the prices for it.
I am blaming nobody for this whole situation, not even government. The blame game is meaningless and doesn't give anyone anything.
The teaching is horrible. Nobody wants to stay in these countries. So what do the students do? They graduate, maybe with a good gpa. Their ultimate goal in the mind is to do GRE, and study in USA and settle there. They don't seek for any other jobs. They just apply for teaching in the college that they studied in. This is about 30% of the teachers.
Then there is no research facilities available (except just for the name). So it doesn't attract people who would like to really deal with the subject. Rather a different set of people that you can understand what I am saying.
I don't blame any teachers. They have been taught by teachers similar to them. The quality of teaching is atrocious. For a moment, I would assume teaching is subjective and discount them on that. But their slides preparation is dangerous. They go to google, search for the "abcd-slide" and download the first google search. Don't even give credits and edit their own name on it. Voila, you made a slide.
Don't even imagine about complaining anything to management. I know friends who got failed because they asked for extra classes of a professor. Supposedly the ego of professor was too big. Nobody can do anything, because it is university and rightly so, teachers have huge amount of power.
I don't have problems with slides. In my terrible journey of learning computer science in this country, slides in internet were my best friends that I could never meet. In the sense, that they are very rare. It is very easy to understand stuffs written in a slide compared to what is written in textbooks. Obviously. I want to clarify this that I don't have problem with slides as many students in this region actually have started to think "slides are the problem", and if the teachers taught in whiteboard/blackboard, everything will be fine.
Yes there are MIT, NPTEL to name a few. But firstly our course evaluation was so different from what is taught there, secondly, most students could never follow what's being taught there. They of course were the best minds of USA, India etc, there is zero doubt about that, but the target students of those courses were maybe not us. Even when we learnt something totally and watched those courses, it would still confuse us.
The only best friend of us have been those textbooks. And honestly, having to download 50 different textbooks and read 5-10 of them for finding 1 information is really inefficient way of learning and I am not sure if everyone in the world is doing the same. If they are, it would feel comforting haha.
There are articles in internet for sure. But there are two types of articles-:
Written by companies
Written by random users
Those written by companies do offer some value even though most of them are prefer to teach in higher level abstracting the details required for computer science but those written by random users are mostly copied from the same source and the quality is nowhere compared to textbooks and depth of information is lacking. A good site out of these is "GFG". It is very decent compared to whatever is available online.
Most of us had no idea what a good class would look like until we found an online course of some great teachers. Luckily they were pretty cheap and affordable. We learnt what we were really missing that day. And honestly, there is no way a student from these countries would ever even catch up a serious student from those countries I'm talking about even though "it's CS".
There are forums for learning. But the thing is we can never use this forum to learn MISSING cs concepts. Because forums have quality standard. They want quality questions. And in no world, a guy who don't even have a textbook that is designed for his university course and examinations(or any reference material) is asking a great question. And questions of these people is never suited for these forum. The literal question most of the times becomes "where can I find this information" "what is this question called" "where can I find explanations for this example". And rightly so, these questions are removed and these questions must be removed to keep the quality standard of site to the highest level. Nobody owes anyone anything and we aren't complaining that to anyone.
Wikipedia is also helpful for some of the concepts for sure. Specially it's helpful when you already know the fundaments and just want to look for extra reference. Eg-: you already know about certain algorithm but you want to see some exceptional cases. I don't think it's a great source of learning material for learning something for the first time.
Another wonderful source of information can be research papers. But most research papers seem to be teaching something additional i.e if you are learning about MPLS for exam(hypothetical), they are teaching a modified MPLS technology and talk little bit about the original MPLS. And it is well researched fact that research paper are extremely technical in nature(not sure if technical is the right word, books are also technical but they are easier to understand, want to say that research papers aren't easy to grasp).
Then youtube, you can't forget it. It's good and decent for understanding surface level materials. There are lots of videos for sure but they are not very satisfactory. And nobody should blame anyone for not providing the best materials for free.
Any information is better than bad or information.
Then there are some sites like udemy that provides paid courses. They weren't even available in this country since a long time.(There was no payment method). One course that we did there was lifechanging. Everything was easy when there was proper guidance. You could spend time on extra learnings, proofs, theories that are in research papers when you understood what's taught easily. There might be other sites but their pricing is just too big that nobody is going to be able to pay. (As there are no part time jobs in these countries, forget part time jobs even qualified and talented people are jobless).
Since there is no official textbook for exams point of view and syllabus point of view. And since they have kept some topics in exam that honestly can't be googled and found anywhere, and which gets skipped by professors and their slides, it is just terrible terrible environment for students.
Sorry if this became a rant, but I am trying to get some constructive thoughts about these situation. We don't need advice as me and my friends have graduated or near graduation already.
Is there anything that anyone could do to at least help these students in these under developing countries with worst environment for education?