Is there any textbook you would recommend as appropriate for preparing a Web Programming college course? I would prefer a book that comes with sets of exercises, practice, code examples, etc. Students are university level expected to have programming knowledge and to know about Internet. No knowledge of particular Internet technologies is required. Do you have any good practices you can share about Web Programming teaching?
1 Answer
This question is quite vague in terms of what you're asking for. I don't know the age of the students, their prior knowledge or what exactly you want to teach them other that "Web Programming" which could mean a lot of things.
Assuming it is an introductory HTML/CSS/JS course you're teaching, I also teach this kind of course to students of various ages and abilities. Two resources I've found useful when doing this are the projects on Raspberry Pi[]=html-css-javascript and the content and exercises on W3Schools
This unit on might also be helpful although I have not used it myself
I hope you find those suggestions useful. I don't teach practical web related courses other than introductory HTML/CSS so unfortunately I can't make suggestions on any other content you might be teaching.
?, do students know the difference between a web-browser, internet, web, …? $\endgroup$