
What are some free online AI/ML demos for grade 8-10 students?

I am a high school teacher, and I am exploring apps and games which will help students understand and appreciate the world of Artificial Intelligence and its applications and become AI-Ready.

I am looking for web browser-based applications only, including chrome web store; It need not be downloaded on the device, and cross-platform supported. For example, I found Experiments with Google very helpful, which has hundreds of experiments. Similarly, Microsoft AI demos has Machine Teaching, AI Route Planner, Text Analytics, Language Understanding, Video Indexer, Computer Vision, etc.

DeepPavlov, a free and open-source AI, has a demo, which includes Entity recognition, Text QA, ODQA, Ranking, Intent classification, Insult detection, etc.

Please suggest more similar programs. Thanks in advance!

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ It seems like you've already found quite a lot -- why are you seeking out more? Do you have particular goals for things you're trying to demonstrate? $\endgroup$
    – Ben I.
    Commented May 30, 2021 at 20:21

1 Answer 1


Machine Learning for Kids is a resource for teaching ML to school age students that I have recently been playing around with. https://machinelearningforkids.co.uk/

It includes a range of projects that students can complete in Scratch, Python or App Inventor which range in challenge level.

There is also a book you can buy but it is possible to use the site without the book.


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