I want to learn Go Language as it is popular these days. I tried some demo programs on https://play.golang.org/.
Do we have some good resources to learn Golang? It looks pretty similar to C, C++ in some ways.
I want to learn Go Language as it is popular these days. I tried some demo programs on https://play.golang.org/.
Do we have some good resources to learn Golang? It looks pretty similar to C, C++ in some ways.
I would like to mention some sites, books, and YouTube which I found for Golang:
Static Sites
Effective Go is an official resource which is available for free from the official Go website https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html
Go by Example is a website with the most common examples https://gobyexample.com
the Golang FAQ section https://golang.org/doc/faq
YouTubes and Video sites
Head First Go by Jay McGavren
An Introduction To Programming in Go by Caleb Doxsey
Go in Action by Brian Ketelsen, Erik Saint Martin, and William Kennedy
a free online book on how to get started on Go http://www.golangbootcamp.com/book/
there are many more resources which we can search online...