Has anyone tried live polling during (in-person or remote synchronous) class? I was planning to use Poll Everywhere, but they don't allow for long questions containing code. There's a new service called ItemPool that does allow this, but is missing advanced features like LMS integration, PowerPoint/Keynote/Google Slides integration, etc. Wondering if anyone has experience or advice. Here's a sample question:
What is the value of y
after executing the following code:
x = 37
y = x + 2
x = 20
a. 39
b. 22
c. 35
d. 20
Thanks for the great ideas!
I've realized my wish list (LMS integration, code formatting, autograding and export, support for mobile devices so I can reuse once we're back in person, free) is unreasonably long.
I may give up on tracking participation for a grade - this will allow me to simply post the question on a slide, and collect simple A/B/C/D responses any number of ways: Webex polls, Poll Everywhere (free account), ItemPool (which has code formatting), etc.
If the questions live in my slides rather than hardcoded into a specific platform, it should be less work to switch platforms in the future. And I'll have greater control over the look so I can include formatted code, equations, etc.