A long shot, but perhaps somebody here can help. I'm planning a workshop (=3 hours, mixed presentation bits + "hands-on" parts, ~30 people). It includes a (brief) section on setting up a simple server on DigitalOcean. Some of the participants will be directly interested in this and would probably benefit from leaving the workshop with an account and server set up. Some will not.
I'm wondering if there's any/a best way to deal with this.
- I want to show, concretely, how one would set this up. But I don't want to spend 15 minutes clicking through an interface with everybody staring. Ideally this would be a hands-on part.
- I don't want to force those participants to set up an account if they don't need it (they'd need their credit cards)
- I don't want to have half the people setting it up, the other half wasting their time.
My only idea so far is to make this dependent on the number of people actually interested in setting up an account, and allocating a final part of the workshop for this. Those not interested can leave earlier. But it doesn't sound optimal either.
Does anybody have any better ideas? This related question did something similar but is basically too much presentation.