Set a formative peer-reviewed assignment using an LMS.
This is based mainly on part of an answer I suggested to a different but related question here.
Coding mini-assignment- peer grading on Moodle
Given that photocopying code is a non-runner, and distributing files can be difficult, I set up a peer-graded Assignment on Moodle. Each learner had to work on a mini-programming assignment and had two days to complete it and submit online.
This assignment was of a very similar structure and marking scheme as an upcoming summative assignment.
Firstly, getting this to work the first time on Moodle was very time consuming. Even on the day, there were several delays in getting started.
The grading rubric identified many elements such as use of "appropriate" names for variables and functions, header info, docstrings (Python), clear user prompts/instructions, working code, use of comments and so on.
When peer-grading, it is possible to place a comment in each section to explain why mark(s) were lost, and each marker can place a final comment/general observations.
Benefits of Moodle Peer assessment
Learners are assigned the work of others to mark randomly
Anonymity is an option in the setup
Each learner was forced to really look at the grading scheme, which was provided from the outset. Many lost marks for simple things that they should have included (e.g. header information). This is important- that they realise they can get some marks even if the code doesn't work completely or partially.
All got to see examples of other learners approaches, structure, working and non-working code. Seeing mistakes others make should help them identify those that they make themselves.
Teacher can review all more easily without looking through a lot of paper, i.e. the grades given and received by each learner, and the comments given and received.
I have to say, from a practical perspective, it ran about as smooth as a dragons tail (i.e. not at all smoothly) but this was likely due to my inexperience with using this in Moodle. That said, it was better than paper.
Some students failed to provide any feedback even when it was a requirement of the exercise.