I enjoy computing history and some of the mankier bits of Computing history are partly my fault, I'm even holding a dinner in the City to mark the 50th anniversary of Real Time Computing https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/real-time-computing-50-years-on-and-50-years-hence-tickets-32702374683, but it's a hobby, not a subject.
Firstly, there are no good texts to provide the 'common thread' that some people desire. Some books do incidents well, but I've never seen a thematic text of any value, some are interesting, but mostly because they are wrong in novel ways.
Secondly, to be done properly it is astonishingly hard. I've written IT history professionally and you find yourself explaining the economics of chip fabrication in the context of Agile vs Waterfall software development methodologies. Unless you can do this, today and without further research and not scratch your head on why they are related, you aren't qualified. I don't think I'm qualified either.
Next, it's a cop out. Teaching logic, applying set theory, expounding of floating point, the legalities of licencing, O(N) notation, and why in the name of god does VB do that is hard. History is comfortable and easy. There are no nasty error messages on the screen saying you are wrong, the kids understand stories they are told about heroes and everyone goes home happy. But not educated.
Computing history's big. Computing is a big thing that has been big for a long time. All you really can teach is a few anecdotes, fine but that's not a theme. There are themes, but they require a huge level of investment in time by a teacher if they are to avoid merely spouting corporate propaganda or uncritically propagating the heroic myths of Hopper and Lovelace. Imagine yourself pointing out that Hopper helped fight the Vietnam war and Lovelace was a drug addict who helped on a colossal failed government funded computer project. If you're not pointing out the bad as well as the good, then why not just shoe them Disney's Frozen instead ?
I enjoy history, I even write some, but don't pretend it is useful to the student and that has to be the measure of any structure
” (also127.0.0.1
); Geography considering computing culture, moor's law, and the fact that the internet is full (the internet is dead, long live IPv4); $\endgroup$